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OakCore | Painter Gallery

Welcome using Painter Gallery

Designed for painters and designers, quickly browse images and add grayscale/threshold/grid and extract colors losslessly, while supporting camera real-time grayscale/threshold preview and capture.

Version 1.0 1 play
Require Android 8+
Require OpenGLES 3.2

Require permissions:
android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE or android.permission.READ_MEDIA_IMAGES

Painter Gallery Features

01 Browse by Recently Added and Folder

Sorting by recently added, or browsing with albums sorted by folder, the user interface can be set to your needs and preferences.

Painter Gallery App Screenshot

02 Losslessly add grayscale, threshold, grid

Adjustable saturation (grayscale), black and white binary threshold, and grid system with adjustable line count and color.

Painter Gallery App See Value Screenshot

03 Extract color from image

Generate a color palette from an image, sort by the proportion of the color in the image, click on the color to copy it to the clipboard, support obtaining a single pixel color from the image, and then generate a color scheme.

Painter Gallery App Screenshot

04 Camera preview and capture with grayscale and threshold

Preview in real time, support grayscale and adjustable black-and-white binary and black-white-gray three-value threshold filters.

Painter Gallery App Camera Screenshot
*OpenGLES 3.2 Required